What is a spot?

A spot is a private communication network for your organization to connect with the entire workforce. Depending on your business requirement(s), you can create a spot for your entire organization, a business unit, or even a team.

Here’s some basic information you should go through before configuring your spot. 


A spot consists of the following people: Admins and Users.


The Admins are in charge of setting up the spot, customizing it, adding users, creating groups, broadcasting communications, creating apps, and more. Admins can do all this from the Admin Dashboard. Various granular Admin rights can be assigned to individuals.


Users are typically employees who join your organization’s spot. Users will receive and be able to act upon communications from the admins, connect with their peers via chats, access work-apps, and more.

Communication Models

The communication model you choose will define how your employees will be able to use the employee app. You can configure your spot to create two types of communication models for your organization – Top-Down and Bi-Directional.

User Validation

Groupe.io offers you multiple options to validate users and add them to your spot. You can validate users using their mobile number, email address, or a combination of both. You can even set email domain filters. Here’s how you can decide the right option for your organization.

All my employees have a corporate email address
If all employees have a corporate email address, we recommend that you validate using email domain filters. This will mandate users to join the network after validating their corporate email addresses.

Not all my employees have a corporate email address
If your organization has non-desk/temporary employees who don’t have corporate email addresses, you can validate using mobile numbers, personal email addresses, or both. Pick the option (mobile number or email address) that your internal systems store.